Weekly Post~ FROZEN!!!!, School, What I got for X-mas,obsession with Drake, got special mention!!!!!

Happy new year!!So this is my weekly post and from now on I write about my week on Friday’s.But I am also going to do some other stuff. So, as you can tell from the tremendously big title I am going to be writing a lot. So lets start writing. 🙂

To start off with who watched Frozen? I did, it was awesome! My favourite bit was when Olaf (the snowman) sang the summer song it was hilarious!! I’m still laughing. Didn’t he know he’d melt. Overall I thought the movie was great, if I could rate it out of 10 I’d give it 9 and a half. If you watched it comment which part you liked best. I’m not going to go too deep because not many people have not watched it. If you haven’t watched it you should.

Now, it was the first week back to school from the Christmas holidays and most people were very tired. I was on Monday but not after expect from Thursday when my little sister kept me up till 2 o’clock in the morning. But that didn’t get in my way from learning. There is a trainee teacher who is called Mr.Marsh. He’s very nice and fun. But i’m sad because he is leaving in a few weeks. 😦 But we’ve had lots of fun and I won’t forget him even when I go to high school. I think I may make a sorry to hear you’re leaving card for him. I defiantly will.

Now a lot of you got a lot for Christmas and so did I. Now I’m going to list what I got but by all means I am not trying to boast so please don’t take it that way. 🙂                                So here’s what I got: Just Dance 2014, a new wii remote, Horrible histories world war 2 book, a chocolate reindeer, a world war 2 fact book,a fountain pen,a Jacqueline Wilson book called Lily Alone, a checked t-shirt and Jennings,some nightwear, Horrible histories best bits book, monopoly, fashion wheel and a Iphone6.

I just needed to tell that I have a huge obsession with Drake that is why you can see him in the background of my blog! I’m thinking of finding a better picture of him. He’s not only a great singer he’s extra cute. I’m going to put a link to my favourite song of his and its going to be some lyrics and it is called hold on were going home at first on my school talent show I ‘thought it was explicit but it turns out that it isn’t! Here’s the link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSaKiyP756I so you can click that and listen to it-it’s very catchy!

Guess what? I got a special mention for my maths work at school. Mr.Marsh gave me, my Best Friend Abi, and my friend Csaba one. We got one for our presentation and how hard we tried. Me and Abi were working together so I think that’s why we both got special mention as well. To be honest I don’t really like maths but I try and if you try you make great achievements.


That’s my weekly post. Write in the comments if you liked it. See you next week. 





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