Month: May 2014

Just a message

Changes to blog (again!)

Hi guys do you remember I used to do weekly posts on Fridays and then I stopped. Well guess what? There starting up again. Keep reading to find out why.♥ So I’ve been having lots of changes like growing up and going to high school, Y6 SATS.  So I just wanted to tell you and they might come on like on a Saturday but I promise I will do them. I remember last time I said I would do them but didn’t end up doing them. But I’ve now committed to my blog. Just to tell you I found out which high school I’m going to and it’s preisthorpe in Leeds in Yorkshire. I’m gonna leave a link to there website here:

I hope you will read my blog more now that I’m doing my weekly post again. I’m doing another post today about Little Mix. Enjoy! To get on the website  right click and drag it to be blue then left click go to