Wacky Wednesday ~ hearts and stones

shellac wholesale cco shellacHearts and Stones.

You will need:

nail art template : http://www.bornprettystore.com/nail-stamp-template-sweety-heart-moon-pattern-p-12173.ht 93 p

peachy pink nail polish : Rimmel 60 seconds polish in 210 ethereal ~ £3.69

Black nail polish : Rimmel 60 seconds polish in 800 black out ~ £3.69

Black nail art pen :  http://www.barrym.com/products/nails/nail-art-pens/nail-art-pens.html £4.99

Square rhinestone : http://www.amazon.co.uk/Five-Season-Transparent-Rhinestones-Decoratio/dp/B00J1VHLRY/ref=sr_1_8?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1409134169&sr=1-8&keywords=square+rhinestones £2.99

top coat : http://www.boots.com/en/Seche-Vite-Dry-Fast-top-coat_1321809/ £9.00

base coat : http://www.boots.com/en/Nails-Inc-Westminster-Bridge-Matte-Top-Coat-Nail-Polish-10ml_1302559/ £12.00

(1) Start by putting on base coat on all of your nails.

(2) Once that has dried paint all of your nails that pink apart from your middle finger which you will paint black.

(3) Once all your fingers have dried you will start the thumb.  With a nail art pen mark out a black line close to the edge of you nails. Now with you black polish fill in that line.

(4) With your template get the heart shape and place it onto your nails and with the black polish color the heart.

(5) Take your black nail art pen and on your ring finger on the left corner do two lines. Then do three lines facing the other way and then 3 on the top.

(6) Now time for rhinestone! On your thumb get some tweasers and dip your rhinestone in glue and place them on the line which separates your black from the pink. Once you have done that On thee bottom of your pinkie and middle finger put a rhinestone at the bottom.

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