Author: amansamazingblog

About amansamazingblog

I'm kind

I’m Back!

Hi everyone! I’m back to my blog after a year and 5 whole fricking months. A lot has changed in my life since I last updated my blog. I am 13 years old now and getting ready to choose my GCSE options at high school. I have a little baby sister. I did not think that I had told anyone that my mum was pregnant back then but she was and she delivered a beautiful healthy little girl. I knew in my mind that I had to take up a lot of new responsibilities because I was the eldest and my Baby sister would be taken care of by me when my mum went back to work. We all thought my Mum and Baby Sister were fine and happy and healthy but the truth was that my little sister was very poorly and something drastic would happen to my mother after her c section. I will get to that after but I decided what my sister would be called. We all went to the temple for the first time to see what the first letter would be of her name according to our holy book and we got the two letters ‘h’ and ‘r’. My mum chose H and we spent 2 whole weeks trying to find out a name. My mum said Harman as a name and my dad, who is a proper geek, chose Harly Quinn who is the jokers sister in Batman. I decided that she should be called Harleen using my dad’s idea a little bit. We all liked the name Harleen so now my 1 year old sister is called Harleen Kaur Mann legally. After we named Harleen my mum was feeling a lot of pain in the pelvis area so my dad took my mum down to the LGI, leaving me and my nana in tears with a 4 week old baby to look after. It turned out that my mum fainted in hospital and she continuously did that. The doctors examined her case clearly and it turned that she had a blood clot in her pelvis area and that meant she had to undergo a major surgery to get it out. The day after my mum went to hospital the midwife came to my house and my baby sister was super yellow they examined her blood and the poor thing had jaundis. She was took to hospital where my mother already was. She was kept under this light until she got better. They are both now very healthy and we are really grateful that they are both well. Afterwards I concentrated on ignoring Melanie because she was a bad influence. As soon as I was in Year 8 I met a fabulous girl called Amy. I knew her before but we were not as close as we are now. Once i started hanging out with her I realized that we both had a lot more in common than I thought. We are now literally stuck together all the time and nothing splits us up she is practically the other half of me. I still fancy Owen though and nothing has improved him liking me ways but we are now good friends. So I am not as free anymore but I will post a couple of times a month so enjoy me while you can!

Yours Dearly, Aman

nailsGot this pic from Put my own twist on it.


Step 1: Paint your nails a light color. I did white. Let them dry very well.

Step 2: Put small pieces of tape on parts of your nails.

Step 3: Paint all your nails a darker color still with the tape on. Mine were black like a zebra. Let them dry well.


Step 4: Take off the tape and put on top coat. I used matte top coat.


Lyrics for the song.

maddie zieglar shia labeouf sia

Elastic heart.

And another one bites the dust
Oh why can I not conquer love?
And I might have thought that we were one
Wanted to fight this war without weapons

And I wanted it, I wanted it bad
But there were so many red flags
Now another one bites the dust
Yeah, let’s be clear, I’ll trust no one

You did not break me
I’m still fighting for peace

Well, I’ve got thick skin and an elastic heart,
But your blade—it might be too sharp
I’m like a rubber band until you pull too hard,
I may snap and I move fast
But you won’t see me fall apart
‘Cause I’ve got an elastic heart

I’ve got an elastic heart
Yeah, I’ve got an elastic heart

And I will stay up through the night
Let’s be clear, won’t close my eyes
And I know that I can survive
I’ll walk through fire to save my life

And I want it, I want my life so bad
I’m doing everything I can
Then another one bites the dust
It’s hard to lose a chosen one

You did not break me
(you did not break me, no)
I’m still fighting for peace

Well, I’ve got thick skin and an elastic heart,
But your blade—it might be too sharp
I’m like a rubber band until you pull too hard,
I may snap and I move fast
But you won’t see me fall apart
‘Cause I’ve got an elastic heart

I’ve got an elastic heart




Short weekly post ~ Staying at Grandmas, Dads Birthday.

Grandmas House:

On Wednesday and Thursday we slept at our grandmas house. On Wednesday evening we went to our Grandmas house (by we i mean me and my little sister). One of our cousins was already there and our two little cousins (Jas and Amrit) were to come later.  Whilst me my sister and my cousin Gurveer had a water fight. When they came we split up into teams like me and Amrit and Jas and Gurveer and Simran and we played all night until 11ish when they went home after tea. Then me and Simran went to bed in our old room  with Granny I slept on the floor and Simran slept on the air bed and Granny slept on the bed. The next morning we woke up early and went to Leeds market in town. We bought headbands, rings, ice cream and Mac Donald’s. Then we went to Granny’s again and sat for half an our then we went to aldi superstore. From there we brought choc chip muffins, milkshakes, sugar for Granny and storage tubs to keep our homemade brownies in.  Then we got on the bus and went to a nice shop called Ahmed Foods. There we brought some brownie mixture and some chapatti flour. Then we went back to Iceland and Pound world and brought loom bands dads b-day card and milk. We got home and made brownies ate them and then we met my cousin Tav and my sister-in-law. After that our mum came to pick us up and then we went home.

Dad’s Birthday: 

Today was my dads birthday. He turned 46. In the morning we gave him his birthday cards, one from me and Simran one from Granny one from mum and one from our uncle Pinda. Then me and Dad went to town. We went to Sainsbury’s, Linda’s Stationary, Newsagents, The post office and B&M. Then when we came home we had lunch. Just now for dinner we had chinese food I had Chow mein and Chips, Mum had Salt and pepper chips, Dad had Kung Fo and Simran had Chips.

Thats all this week. Signing off Aman.


Wacky Wednesday ~ hearts and stones

shellac wholesale cco shellacHearts and Stones.

You will need:

nail art template : 93 p

peachy pink nail polish : Rimmel 60 seconds polish in 210 ethereal ~ £3.69

Black nail polish : Rimmel 60 seconds polish in 800 black out ~ £3.69

Black nail art pen : £4.99

Square rhinestone : £2.99

top coat : £9.00

base coat : £12.00

(1) Start by putting on base coat on all of your nails.

(2) Once that has dried paint all of your nails that pink apart from your middle finger which you will paint black.

(3) Once all your fingers have dried you will start the thumb.  With a nail art pen mark out a black line close to the edge of you nails. Now with you black polish fill in that line.

(4) With your template get the heart shape and place it onto your nails and with the black polish color the heart.

(5) Take your black nail art pen and on your ring finger on the left corner do two lines. Then do three lines facing the other way and then 3 on the top.

(6) Now time for rhinestone! On your thumb get some tweasers and dip your rhinestone in glue and place them on the line which separates your black from the pink. Once you have done that On thee bottom of your pinkie and middle finger put a rhinestone at the bottom.